Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Final Stretch

I had a meeting at the high school today, with the goal of setting up a transition plan for Nick.

First, can I say that there is nothing worse that remember you have a meeting when you see the teacher walking into the school whilst you are dropping your daughter off for her ungodly-early Jazz Band class and are wearing the same clothes you wore to work the day before, flip flops, and a pony tail. Yeah. I went the "pretend there is nothing wrong with the way you look" route and decided I didn't give a damn anyway.

My main goal for Nick going into the ninth grade is for him to have some success. For school not to be a torture chamber for him anymore. For teachers and students to get him and be willing to support him. For him to graduate and go to college and have a fantastic life.

He'll be taking regular classes, all the core classes (English, pre-algebra, computers, and biology.) Plus art and Spanish. Please send some good vibes to my Nick. He's been shoved down the cracks of public school for nine years. He deserves this last stretch to be a different experience.

The principal is going to let me put something together to present to the teacher's Nick will have next year, to help them be more aware of and understanding of Autism. That's a good thing, if you look past the fact that no one at the school has had any previous Autism training. I'm looking past that, to the future. What choice do I have?

P.S. George Bush just came on my TV and said that we aren't in a recession, we're in a SLOWDOWN. Unbelievable. Really. Look at his face when he says it.

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