Thursday, January 3, 2008

This and That...and Happy New Year!

Kevin and I just got back from an overnight trip to Elko. We went to all the different grocery stores getting the best deals we could find (we got a months worth of food for about $450. That might seem like a lot to spend at once, but the same items in town would have cost double that. Elko is 180 miles away, so we only get there a few times a year so when we do, we stock up.)

I miss my kids. I know it seems silly. You're supposed to want some kid-free time, right? But oh my god, I miss them. I talked to Ruby on the phone yesterday. She said," Hi, Mommy! I want to go home." And I broke down right there in the cereal aisle of Super Wal-Mart. Twelve days just isn't going to happen ever again. Well, maybe when she's 20.

We went and saw a movie last night. It's funny, when you move from metropolis to the sticks, little things you used to take for granted are suddenly a big deal. Like stadium seating at the movies. Like having six movie choices, instead of one. Like being able to buy bulk couscous or find chicken sausage. It's the little things.

Anyway, we saw I Am Legend. I didn't realize until I went to look up the book that it was written by the same man who wrote one of my favorite books ever. Richard Matheson wrote What Dreams May Come. It's amazing. The movie was really good, too. But read the book. Matheson did a lot of research into life after death, and that lends a sort of authority to the story that makes it stick to you. It's the same reason that I Am Legend had me on the edge of my seat from the opening, while other zombie movies don't even appeal to me. He gives a scientific edge to the existence to them that is more frightening than all the Computer Graphic monsters they can throw at you.


Amazon Alanna said...

I still haven't seen "I Am Legend"..but I hope to before it leaves the theaters. I'm excited about it...after all Matheson not only wrote "What Dreams May Come", but also "A Stir of Echoes" and he wrote for the Twilight Zone...including "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet"...which is the one with William Shattner and the gremlin on the wing of the plane. Matheson is a genius!

Honi said...

I think u were smart bulk shopping by the way... ohhh and I saw I am Legend on New Years Eve and loved it too.. excellent movie...