Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hodge Podge

Gas is $3.46 a gallon here. I predict it will go over $4.00 by the end of summer. On that train of thought, here are some ideas I have for trying to reduce our family's dependence on oil.

* Arrange for Adrienne to take the bus home from school instead of being picked up.

* Make sure Adrienne can get her driver's license in August. Driving herself to school will save about half the gas we use everyday.

* Stop traveling out of town to grocery shop. This will require some creativity and learning to live without eating exactly what we want when we want in order to buy food we can afford at the local grocery store. I have heard lately that we might get a farmer's market this summer. A farmer's market! Whoot!

It' s important to me to try to build up Enigma Vintage to the point that, should the shit really hit the fan and something happens to Kevin's job, it can get us through. I'm worried, of course, that the economy will deteriorate to the point that people are no longer buying clothes OR gambling (Kevin's a poker dealer.) I have to have faith that what I sell actually is the frugal alternative to shopping at the mall.

Kevin and the kids are really anxious to go to Disneyland next Christmas. Honestly, me too. It's a further drive now that we've moved from Las Vegas, which means more $4 a gallon gas. I'm sure that everything involved will be more expensive than two years ago. Kevin's parents want to go, too, to help with the baby. Part of me wants to go because with the way things are going, this might be the last time we can go. Part of me is shocked that I'm even considering it.

On the bright side, think of all those thrift stores full of beautiful vintage in Orange County! I can hardly stand it!

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