Thursday, November 8, 2007 be so easily pleased

Ruby loves bandages. She calls them "band babes" and if she gets the teeniest, tinest scrape her face lights up, her hands go up in the air and she announces "oh goodness! Need a band babe!" She absolutely will not EVER allow ANYONE to open the band babe for her. She carefully, as though savoring every decadent second of band babe usage, opens it herself. If she happens to have gotten her hand on a Sponge Bob band babe, she'll squeal in delight, but a regular old flesh-colored is cause for celebration, too.

Currently she has a Sponge Bob band babe smack in the middle of her forehead. She scratched herself overnight and has a quarter-inch mark above her eyebrow. She's looking at herself in the mirror, making funny faces. And just now she turned to me and said, "I'm so cute, Mommy."

Yeah, band babe, you are.

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