Thursday, December 6, 2007


This pisses me off.

Why should people be rewarded for being greedy and getting into a house that was beyond their means? We can't even buy a house because so many people did that and now the housing market is so overblown. We could have gotten an ARM loan like the people this new policy will "help", but we were smart enough not to. I guess we should have, huh? Because apparently in this country greed and short-sightedness are rewarded by the president.

Ugh. There is nothing that gets under my skin more than the housing situation. I'm slow to anger, but I'm really frustrated by this. It's going to take decades to sort out the problems in the housing market, and years for the house prices to come back into line with incomes. Even in my tiny town, out in the sticks, housing prices are ridiculous.

We may never buy a house. Mostly because I can not make myself give someone an astronomical profit just for living in a house for three or four years. Nope. We'll wait. The prices will come down. Right now on there are about 50 houses for sale in my area. This time last year there were less than 20. There are also a handful of houses for rent, and if you remember even this last summer we couldn't even find one. Yep. The correction will come.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HO BOY do I ever feel your pain on this one. Things have dropped here a little bit but STILL a STUDIO Condo--as in ONE ROOM is gonna run you $400K. Sigh.